How can the objects of
such desire, worship and admiration
be mere means of
sustenance and nourishment?
Big or small, they are
forever in our faces.
We build them up with
pockets of fluid.
Or reduce them with knives
and needles.
They perk and bounce.
They droop and sway.
We celebrate them and
parade them with pride when we’re young.
Then curse them for their
lack of youthfulness when we’re old.
We truss them up like
turkeys to contain and restrain them.
And add bulky padding to
deceive the eyes of strangers.
If we’re fortunate and
attentive they remain healthy.
But sometimes they fall
sick and need healing.
And, sadly, we sometimes
lose them.
Then we march with our
sisters in their memory.
How men salivate at the
mere site of these lovely mounds of flesh!
Perhaps because they miss
their mothers,
or have oral fixations
needing to be soothed and pacified.
Pacifiers indeed! They do
placate both young and old into silence.
Spread out for all to see
at the center of magazines which are then
spread out in the laps of
young boys who desire release.
Plastered in all their
glory on internet pages.
Did God know what he was
creating when he designed these vessels of food?
Not necessary for
procreation, but serve as such in a roundabout way all the same.
Because I AM a woman I
HAVE breasts, but I AM NOT my breasts. I am more.
How important we are as
women to have the ability
to feed the eyes and
mouths of the world.
© Susan Barton 2013
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